Academics Articles

This paper examines the performance of international publications in the field of

Abstract: This paper examines the performance of international publications in the field of geography in Turkey between 1945 and 2005, based on publications that appeared in journals covered by the citation indexes, SCI and SSCI. Using SCI and SSCI databases produced by ISI, this study also intends to investigate Turkish geographers’ place within the international academic cummunity, and to which degree both physical and human geography contributed to the world science. We found a total of 83 publications made by Turkish geographers in journals covered by the citation indexes in last six decade, 89% of them were written in English. Most contributions (90%) came from researchers working at universities and public research institution in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. 93% of the papers were the subject of physical geography particularly geomorphology, quaternary studies and climatology. 34% of the papers were published in geographical journals. Nearly half of the papers were joint work with foreign authors mainly Anglo-Saxon. Only seven authors published two thirds of the all papers. The quality of the papers was above Turkish average. Geomorphogist has made a great contribution to Turkish geography in terms of the publications. It seems that geologist and city-regional planners rather than geographers represent physical and human geography in today’s international arena. Comparing South Korea, Poland, Brazil, and Greece, Turkey has fewer publications in the field of both physical and human geography. Given the number of Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi,2005,3 (1), 27-55 Teslim, Mart 2005; düzeltme, Nisan2005; kabul Nisan 2005. Initial submission, March 2005; revised submision, April 2005; final acceptance, April 2005.

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Academics: This paper examines the performance of international publications in the field of

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