Activity Meeting

Geography Teachers Meetings

Institute of Geography of Turkey Istanbul National Education Directorate in collaboration, Geography teacher to address; Geography Education and other professional issues to discuss and 2002 in July held in Ankara in Turkey Geography Education Conference is "pre-intellectual infrastructure in order to establish the Turkish Council of Geography and Geography Teachers Meetings titled a series of planned meetings. The first three of these meetings were considered for the Istanbul meeting, the first of which covers the various schools of the district with the participation of geography teachers Special FMV Isik High School on Saturday 06 Nisan 2002 took place in the conference room. The first meeting hosted by Turkey Special FMV Isik High School Geography has contributed much to the agency for this event. Second and third meetings scheduled under the Ontario Special TED Istanbul College Foundation Cihangir College and High School will take on host.

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Activity: Geography Teachers Meetings

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