News From Turkey

Field Study of the South Eastern Anatolia 2010...

Turkey is a member Turkish Geographical Society, geographers, and nature lovers carried out with "2010-southeast of nature study trip" after public opinion, to inform our members and participants, thank you message and press release: May 18, 2010 Tuesday 20:30 at Istanbul Municipality in front of the head of the "2010-SOUTHEAST ANATOLIA NATURAL TRAINING VISIT" already prepared the program in the core of loyal 11 Turkish Geographical Society members to 47 participants with; May 24, 2010 on Monday morning, against the 4:00 ‘started again at the point of accident and health has resulted in a successful operation. The foundations of this trip late last summer the "2009-Field Study of Geography Teachers of Inner-western Anatolia," During were taken. "Geography is written out." "Everyone looks to see the geographer." "I always have to land." slogans such as sentences become, in every period be. May 19 Youth and Sports Day and the week in a different region of the country to celebrate and strengthen our geographic information is our ultimate goal. Who told us that maybe sometimes "does not shift to the east of Ankara, they do not go ..." of the promise to reveal the errors and shortcomings in terms of this visit was of great importance for us. Results generated in groups of a bus that was going to work the land. To be clear, our team of 8-9 people, except for the first time we would see the Southeastern Anatolia. 2010-South East Anatolia Natural Training Trip "called this trip, Istanbul-Bolu-Ankara-Aksaray-Adana-Dörtyol-Iskenderun-Antakya-Kırıkhan-Hassan-Gaziantep-Birecik-Sanliurfa-Harran-Sanliurfa-Viransehir-Mardin-Sanliurfa-Bozova -Ataturk Dam Bozova-Sanliurfa-Gaziantep-Adana-Ankara-Istanbul-Aksaray-stage road near 3500 km was covered by approximately seven days later. Due to the intensity of the program or even two nights in the car overnight journey through the night, as was done two nights in Urfa and Gaziantep to host a night of Antioch is. Double-captain of the coordination of trips begun in geography teacher and ‘s Mehmet MUST have been made by and Erakman Tourism from the Kerem INTERNATIONAL. 47-person travel team, three geography faculty members (one professor, one assistant professor, a research assistant), 16 geography teacher, a geography graduate students and ages 15 and 63 ranged from 27 nature lovers it consisted of. Trips to inform the scientific and technical s. Ataturk University, Department of Geography CLOUDS and was bestowed by me. Although it has the weight of cultural studies geography, topography, especially along streams, volcanoes, lakes, arid-semiarid regions, including topography was. Geography was applied locally to the fore. Different morphogenetic regions climate, vegetation, soil diversity was observed. So that the route of the Central, Eastern Mediterranean and Southeast Anatolia, especially in the western part of the elements of the natural environment as well, through five provinces and 20 districts have been close. Tissues were examined closely in the urban and rural here. Common historical and cultural landmarks with the contribution of human-space relationship dry. Thus, the study program there as is the Central Anatolia volcanism (Hasandağ and Karaca), Eregli Plain, Taurus Mountains Gülek sector, Adana city, Adana, Iskenderun Bay Dortyol-Iskenderun between banks, the Nur Mountains, Amik Plain, Kırıkhan-Islahiye tectonic groove , Hassan leçe, Gaziantep Plateau, the city of Gaziantep, the Halfeti-Rumkale between Birecik Dam Lake and the surrounding area, Sanliurfa city, Harran (Altýnbaþak) Plain, Harran Houses (conical roof earth houses), Diyarbakir southwest Karacadağ volcanics, Mardin city, Ceylanpinar Plain, Ataturk dam and around the Euphrates River has been examining whether a more detailed view. Over again, countless articles to be written and much to talk about, or even still pens are wrapped articles to write us, documentaries draw us will lead this trip, the Turkish Geographical Society supported by the "2009-Geography teacher in an inner-western Anatolia, Field Study," like all of us in the life of many firsts host has. Primarily in such a short time, Adana, Antakya, Gaziantep, Þanlıurfa, Mardin, close-up view of the city, such as 5 to have the opportunity to get to know. Although sometimes cause disruption to the entire program, we tried to be faithful. However, the team participated in Adana, Erzurum Prof. come. Dr. Ihsan Bulut and graduate students who joined this trip out of all of this time were from Istanbul. The first and last days in Antakya and Adana caught We were partial thunderstorms aside, 16-30 ° C ranged between day and night temperatures and low clouds, light esintli sunny day tour of the health-through caused. Former Antioch streets, Hassan leçe on hiking, our historical Mardin houses between the disposable tours almost every meal renewal areas peculiar to the kebabs and desserts, in Birecik bald ibis bird, especially Halfeti-Rumkale between the dam lake on boat trips, especially in Þanlıurfa During the night, the understanding of museology Deyrul Zafaran Syrian Monastery and more systematic implementation of our memories of many trips, and carved from the remaining applications. Studies since the early days of our call and our team would like to thank everyone who cheer. If more of them, Canakkale University, Associate Professor, Department of Geography Geographical Society and the Turkish Secretary General of the universe Erginal SÜZER’dir Massoud. Thank you to them. During our work in this land, from time to time in the field we also had the opportunity to collect different objects. We spent our time, perhaps deliberately, in some places even a few hours to our hotel-restaurant, so we went through. Meanwhile, many of sand, stone, gravel, rocks and soil by participating schools to focus on splitting the stone-rock-soil archives of the enrichment was achieved. Hassan leçelik volcanic rocks of the field, the ophiolites Tahtaköprü Lake Dam, Karaca volcanics, limestone, Gaziantep, Mardin, some of them are marly limestones. Fieldwork for the route of forest, shrubs, herbaceous formations were observed in all samples and fotograflandı. From the climb in Central Anatolia, especially in the Taurus-pine to herbaceous formations that Eregli-Pozanti-Adana transition between the Mediterranean from Anatolia were clearly visible. In numerous fields and vineyards-orchards studied. Pistachio, wheat, lentils, cotton, sugar beets, peas, beans and olive orchards, with emphasis on field samples were in place. Erzurum from Ihsan teachers in eastern Anatolia in the fields of wheat only recently begun to emerge when you say, in Central Anatolia Eregli around the green fields of wheat and, Adana, Turkey wheat to yellow when you started, Hatay and Gaziantep The wheat harvest started was we saw. In addition to agricultural geography, spring semester who live in our country as we saw different climatic conditions closely. Antakya, Gaziantep, Sanliurfa and Mardin city tours by making the city viewed the development of geography. Iskenderun Iron-Steel Plant to be passed through a close place and the Ataturk Dam substation seen. Amik Lake, but could be seen partly from the Belen Gate. By irrigated agriculture again, in part to sprinkler and drip irrigation technology in South-eastern Anatolia were also passed now. Pozantı Çakıt water, then Seyhan in Adana and Ceyhan, Asi in Antioch, was passed in Birecik Euphrates rivers. Since spring period the river was still swollen. Almost Visit our nearly Urfa up cutting three-lane round-developed highways have been built, we highly pleased when, Þanlıurfa-Mardin between the roadway in places, landscaping work, despite Karacadağ volcano in southern Viransehir around highway urgent need of care and that the road from being told you need to . Error in the Karasu River Dam on the Tahtaköprü; Birecik and Ataturk dam on the Euphrates River, who are closely examined. Yasemen Open Air Museum, Tilmen Tumulus, the ancient city of Zeugma, the ancient ruins of Harran, such as universities around the old city and is closely examined. Antakya Mosaic Museum and St.Piyer Church, Gaziantep Castle and Museum, in Mardin Deyrul Zafaran Syrian Monastery and the Kasımiye Madrasah, Mardin, Panorama Museum, Sanliurfa Balıklıgöl and Hz.İbrahim Mosque, Urfa Castle, such as places of cultural tourism of our knowledge reinforced. Copper and pearl in Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, writing, Mardin silver (Silver), and stone crafts in terms of processing and enrich the significance of the region. Gaziantep 8 Industrial site soon to be opened that particular tour of the Middle Euphrates in the Department of Sanliurfa irrigation canals and tunnels of the production, especially the pistachio plantations have been developed, cotton and wheat, the importance of increasing, or even widely applied in animal husbandry GAP region still visible large leaps are among. Harran and Sanliurfa in many parts of Turkey as being unemployed in the youth we observe once again that we were terrified. However, the contribution of tourism to the region on behalf of the great efforts they were recognized in. Our team of instructors from the Department of Geography Faculty of Ataturk University, Prof. CLOUDS bestowed during the whole trip very effective in the treatment of human and economic geography, geographic descriptions drew all the attention. By many localities mentioned in the physical geography, geology and geomorphology, especially in the field party were to be transferred by me. ‘s member organizations of the Turkish Geographical Society, supports the activities of geographers and nature lovers, not only in the summer months, can be found at appropriate times can be made of the land and study trips have been uncovered. In conclusion, we have made between 18 to 23 May 2010 "NATURE EDUCATION VISIT SOUTHEAST ANATOLIA" in the lives of those who participated may have experienced many different geographical first. I can add myself to it willingly. Study of the most interesting first three geographic event / object counting patterns are the most multi Halfeti-Rumkale between the Euphrates Valley, which covers Birecik Dam water on the boat trip to do, Antioch Fault east of the basaltic component consists of young volcanic terrain that Hassan leçe on the walk and Urfa order night watch (and taste of walnuts and sweet yuğrulması raw meat, tea, and "mirra" bitter coffee called me perform live during the rest of the local folk songs) has impacted me very much. However, way back in our 47-person surveys the end of our trip’s most popular three things (venue / event), ranking the first place Halfeti-Rumkale boat trips, the second former Mardin houses, and third place Dayrül Zaferan Syrian Monastery received. However, many objects and events as well as the first time we see the ranking really was hard to do. Because the vast majority of our team for the first time going to the eastern Mediterranean and southeastern Anatolia. Nearly all of specified in the program for the first time we had seen and experienced. I’m in the most recent semester break in February 1977 as a valuable mentor in my s. Metin Tuncel Geography 3 when do we train students to tour the City students in the south did not find an opportunity to take further east from Osmaniye. Our bus passed nearby in Cukurova Yılankale rapidly re-lived the excitement of 33 years ago. Indeed, all of us this spring, added new ones to our geographical knowledge. Maybe some of the first long trip was the nature, the repeated occurrence of a few research-review sites and geographical locations that were made. In about a week behind spouses, children or even lovers were left, so again, no cell phones were silent. Pozantı frothy buttermilk to drink, in Hatay paper kebab and künefe food, Harbiye Waterfalls in the tea-coffee break to give, in Gaziantep, meat and peanut butter baklava food, Sanliurfa painful Urfa kebab and pizza tasting, Mardin kebab platter expression were When a part-time to digest the different tastes of our stomachs have a hard time da-these, we all still remaining in the palate are flavors of Anatolia. The content of each trip, has been and will be one that cannot be happy. Although we toured Zeugma, Gaziantep Mosaic Museum, the wrong timing could not travel. This, in my opinion, the trip was part of the program can not be applied within one. Apart from that trip as well as the nature of the average round-trip mileage as the 1200’er achieved primarily by means of a road through all the activities in the field was of first quality. One more time so we all lived in different geographical firsts. Upon successful completion of this second opportunity, this long-term nature trips and field studies in different regions, even in countries continued to be increasingly widespread belief among geographers. With the participation of people from different disciplines that nature lovers will expand gradually. Central Anatolia, the Mediterranean and Southeast Anatolia regions such as the three different geographical regions to be performed at this trip at first glance, kebab eating whether, turnip juice inside is a "Gourmet Tour" perceived as a must not be ... In the end, "Kitchen geography" in terms of the Southeastern Anatolia’s substantial capacity on the trip along the Our team in place by the local cuisine is also seen. Our guide, but 14-year-old little ears are still ringing in the words of Urfa Justin. It is a major effort for the development of children in the region in which they ... "My opponent does not, so is my pirate." Promised to us by their own efforts were summarized. Justin tiny region in the future as we face the big tour organizers would have already evident. In the end, our governor and police chief to our related, coming from Erzurum and Adana up and joining our team and add color to travel, as with land and technical information that illuminates the entire team of faculty members Prof. Ataturk University Department of Geography Ihsan Bradley to; ‘s brand integration in the way surely hesitate to walk, also the whole trip organization which, at times 2-3 hours of sleep the trip along the still sleep record-breaking Cinar Education Geography Teachers, Mehmet forced into the program would not have and much is still desired timing in terms of Mardin further to the east who do not pass our team-the wildest of-title to anyone caught, Mardin-Mardin-Hasankeyf stages of the round-trip 100’er kilometers keeping the vehicle finance itself to meet four hours alone in a pass by returning to us the Tigris River and Hasankeyf of perhaps the last photographs of pull brings Þehremini High School geography teacher Nihat lightning to, brought the instruments with our team and superb instrumental, drum and frame drum solo performed and flipped the Goztepe Ihsan Kurşunoğlu High School Geography Teacher Jennifer Demirkıran and his latest, all the participants academic, teachers and nature lovers, especially really want to thank our corporate members. Your support, to be called-in-one field training took place this nature. Erakman the coordination of tourism was laudable. "Land to be always am." If you say, many more geography field work and travel in hope to see ... Our establishment also supported in 2010 in the summer months an "Eastern Anatolia Natural Training Trip" section now reserve your place Do not forget to. Stay with love. Goodbye. With deep respect. 05/26/2010 President of the Turkish Geographical Society Y.Doç.Dr. Ahmet T. ERTEN Istanbul University Faculty Geography Department Laleli-Istanbul 0535 466 2002 2003 0212 455 57 00 / 15 767 ©2010 Google Translate

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News: Field Study of the South Eastern Anatolia 2010...