TUCAUM 6th National Geography Symposium
Türkçe dilinden İngilizce diline çeviri Dear Geographers, Geography of Ankara University, Turkey prepared by the Center for Research and Practice 6 3 to 5 November 2010 between the National Symposium on Geography and History-Geography Faculty of Ankara Language realized. The speakers presentations in parallel sessions performed in various universities in Turkey. 15:30 on Friday, Nov. 5 symposium at the Turkish Institute of Geography was a session discussing the goals and future activities. All scholars and students attended this session the topic of professional tanınırlılık IGU’nun adaylığımıza Congress until 2020 was discussed many issues. Membership issues have been raised whether, in our web site by filling out the necessary procedures completed each other geography graduates are once again be a member. Especially as a continuation of work started in the professional tanınırlılık Chicago in June of 2011, hosted by the Department of Geography at the University was the first announcement of the planned meeting. Developments in this area will be announced on our website after that. Thank you to everyone who played a part in the symposium. The Board of Directors