Van - Earthquake
13:41 local time in Van province in the north of the north-west of Lake Ercek, the local magnitude ML = 6.6, moment magnitude, Mw = 7.2 earthquake which occurred in a very severe. Outside the center of the earthquake, and Kumluca Özkaymak settlements in the middle of the relatives of Furnace-Gedikbulak villages. Earthquakes, especially in Van, Bitlis, Mus, Batman, pain, Diyarbakir, Mardin, Erzurum, Siirt, Sirnak, Iskenderun, Hatay and the Iran-Turkey border was felt strongly. As is known, and the counties of the province of Van, 1 and 2 in seismic zones. After the earthquake, magnitude 5.0, which is greater than three moderate earthquakes were aftershocks. Earthquakes can cause destruction and loss of life nature.