Publications Geography Books

Natural Processes in Terms of Climate Change and Human

PREFACE "Natural Processes in Terms of Climate Change and Human titled this book's main objective in preparing a geographical perspective and understandable language in climate and climate change to explain the process, the process to arrive at the image that is to see the entire. As a result of increasing environmental problems in recent years started to be seen many changes and losses added to the natural environment, climate-based issues, world public opinion has become one of the subjects that most occupy. Our country is due to its geographical location and physical geography and climatic conditions suitable in terms of diversity and a situation that is so sensitive. Therefore, to understand climate and climate change, changes in the future to live is important to predict specific. The cause of climate change in the point reached today and examine the effects of scientific data is also open to speculation lot together. Different information and documents not approved by the accuracy of Internet information is shared with the public process is being monitored. Temperature, rainfall, humidity, climatic elements, such as starting with a general knowledge to have, then also a geographical perspective, millions of years in the ongoing climate change that day with the same or different sides put forth proposals for solutions, and ultimately improve, the issue of the scientific approach will form the basis. This study, subjects, geographers who wonder about the climate change that readers can understand trying to explain was handled with style. In this context, the basic concepts of climate-related first attempt to explain, then the process of climate change has been evaluated and finally the ecological and social consequences of this process are emphasized. Addition, this study is more known by the public with the results of research, climate and geography books that remain in the approaches to the public or to the results of studies that included more than were not reflected. This work had contributed to the emergence of the students would like to thank my Üneri'ye Doğan. Basic human nature of the problem actually lies in the struggle against impossible given the right to life with the awareness and to protect future generations with the hope of ... Google Tranlate Beta

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Publications: Natural Processes in Terms of Climate Change and Human

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